Monday, August 15, 2011

What a Weekend

This weekend was quite eventful.

Saturday: Lake Anna VA. The weather could've been a little more helpful but it gave us a different kind of experience. It was a fun trip but it also could've been a lot more fun if I could swim in the water and etc. But it's all for the better in the long run.

Sunday: Family day. Took the kids out for lunch, froyo, bubble tea, and boat paddling.
I felt like a mother for the day and I definitely want to quality time with my kids in the future. Every Sunday would be a family bonding day with various activities to relax and play. Then family BBQ! It was great because I don't ever remember the last time we had all 21 members of our immediate family together. Someone was always missing, but not this Sunday. Everyone was there and the house was filled with laughter && joy. I am very grateful to have a family like mine. Adults who will always be kids at heart and joke around like they're in college. They are very open minded and loves trying new things such as DDR and doesnt mind being silly && goofy with us all. I love my family & it makes me sad that one day I'll be leaving them and move away from home. As much as I want my freedom, I still want to spend as much time with them as I can.

Thoughts from last night

I never asked this to happen nor did I ever wanted this to happen. And it takes me back to that night. That one choice I made can be easily counted as a mistake. It was a mistake for me to go that night, if I went home, the timing would've been different and everything would be okay. If only I told him to put on his seat belt, I can still clearly visualize seeing him getting inside the car thinking " why is he sitting behind me when the other side is closer to him?" Then I answered my own question, because there more leg room behind my chair. And I remember turning back and saw him wearing the same plaid shirt that he wore last time we went out. And I thought, he should put his seatbelt on just in case. But I never spoke out loud because I knew he would say, "I don't need to put on a seatbelt." So I never spoke my mind and I wish that I did. Because it would've changed everything.
GOD I'm so bitter and scared. Bitter that this brace is ruining my summer, my 22nd birthday, and all the other adventures I could've had. Scared that things will never be the same and I would have to get operated on and I can NEVER do the things I use to do. The things I once loved, the things I would've loved.

"Some things are out of your control, it's your choice to make it a tragedy or a party"
There is only one way to look at this, and that is to make the best out of it.
Head held high with a big fat smile, use this brace to my advantage.

Grace Brace <3

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