Saturday, August 6, 2011

Do you ever

get that feeling that something just isn't right?
something is out of place?
I just have that lingering feeling for some reason...and I don't know why?

On the other note,
After listening to my girlfriends talking about their men and what they've been going through really opens up my eyes.

They spent so much time and energy on this one guy and yet they do not get in return of what they deserve.
In the end, we ask ourselves was it worth it? Every tear, heartache, argument, fight was it worth it?
They might not be on the same page and they might not give as much as we give them.
We wear our hearts on our sleeves and yet they take us for granted.
But we learn and that's the best thing we can ever wish for. Is to learn from each relationship, not about love but more about yourself.
And it teaches you to be smarter, better, wiser on the next relationship.
At the same time, don't ever give up anything for someone else. That's the biggest mistake you can ever make.
There is a way to show your complete love to him and still be true and fair to yourself.

To not fall complete head over heels and still show him your whole heart.
And when we find that way, that is true balance of life.

On the other hand, there are people out there who knows RIGHT away that "he's the one" at first sight.
Both people begin their relationship on the same page of being forever with the other person and they conquer the tears, the fights with that mindset.
Unfortunately, not everyone is this lucky to just KNOW right away. Some of us have to go through it all to realize "he's not the one"

I don't think I'm those Lucky ones. Maybe at one point in time I was, but as I grow each day, the more realistic I become.
Looking at what others have become frightens me.
Marriages get called off. Couples break up after years and years of dedication. The heartbreaks can be mended but Time cannot rewind
Time is precious, and time is never coming back. The only thing I do not have right now is Time.
And yet God is slowly taking away my time as I realize how much I want to conquer in the next few years.
So I say, I must find myself, find what I want in life and live every moment of it.

Do whatever makes me happy


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