Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"My wants are simple: a job that I like and a guy whom I love."

I think that is what majority people in this world seek for.
Some of us are fortunate enough to have both, some have to take the time to find it.
Hopefully, that time won't take forever.
This brings me to the topic of a job that I like and the money it pays.
My friend told me last night that there is a job opening at his place and it matches my major.
I'm sure the money is much greater than what I am getting paid.
Should I feel guilty at all for leaving this job to "jump ship" to take another job?
For some reason, I feel bad. I feel guilty that I am even applying to another job.
But the business world have no feelings. You gotta do what you gotta do.

To make this statement even more simple: My want is to be happy :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Tochi :)

My baby's turning 2 today!
I absolutely LOVE him and he's the joy of my world.
Although he has definitely abandoned me as an owner and is loyal to my mom now.
How can I blame him? I hardly spend any time at home with him now days.
But as long as he's happy, I'm happy.

Anyways, I'm so glad that this little man came into my life :)

On the other note,
I cannot describe how happy and how amazing these past couple of days has been.
Everything was absolutely perfect and it was nice to have carefree, relaxing days waking up to his smile (rather a smirk). Let me tell you, that smirk is rather contagious and I have a smirk too!

I finally feel that I've reached a good balance in my life and I hope it doesnt stop here.

I'm also glad that this man came into my life too ;)

Stellar <3

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Favorites

why hello stranger.
I have not written in my blog for almost a week!
Probably because I've been super caught up with balancing work and my life.
This week has been swell. Not being at home is quite nice but I have to admit that I do miss my room, my bed and my bathroom.

The house searching is quite tiring, and scary. The thought of actually moving out is actually hitting me and I feel like this is the final step into independence. IF I can afford a house by myself, then I am official an adult.

On the other note, I've been thinking a lot lately.
Or thinking has taken the toll of me.
Certain moments, thoughts just rush into my head and forces me to ponder on the subject. As much as I want to push it to the side, it won't leave me alone. Which makes me wonder, am I missing something in my life? As happy as I am these days, why do I always want more. Nothing ever seems to fulfill my full satisfaction.

I came upon this quote:

" There's no need to rush. If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person, for the best reason."

God has an answer for me, and he's testing.
For my patience and growth,
Whether what the reason is
It will be a lesson learned.

My question is, how long do I have to wait, how much time will it take, for me to find the answer?


Monday, August 15, 2011

When you look at this picture, you see two lover standing under the umbrella right?
But according to the Chinese culture, never stand under the umbrella with your lover, but the relationship will be doomed.
Umbrella in Chinese translates to separate, part in different ways.
The irony of this photo keeps me pondering.
Nonetheless, I <3 this photo and I want that red umbrella.

What a Weekend

This weekend was quite eventful.

Saturday: Lake Anna VA. The weather could've been a little more helpful but it gave us a different kind of experience. It was a fun trip but it also could've been a lot more fun if I could swim in the water and etc. But it's all for the better in the long run.

Sunday: Family day. Took the kids out for lunch, froyo, bubble tea, and boat paddling.
I felt like a mother for the day and I definitely want to quality time with my kids in the future. Every Sunday would be a family bonding day with various activities to relax and play. Then family BBQ! It was great because I don't ever remember the last time we had all 21 members of our immediate family together. Someone was always missing, but not this Sunday. Everyone was there and the house was filled with laughter && joy. I am very grateful to have a family like mine. Adults who will always be kids at heart and joke around like they're in college. They are very open minded and loves trying new things such as DDR and doesnt mind being silly && goofy with us all. I love my family & it makes me sad that one day I'll be leaving them and move away from home. As much as I want my freedom, I still want to spend as much time with them as I can.

Thoughts from last night

I never asked this to happen nor did I ever wanted this to happen. And it takes me back to that night. That one choice I made can be easily counted as a mistake. It was a mistake for me to go that night, if I went home, the timing would've been different and everything would be okay. If only I told him to put on his seat belt, I can still clearly visualize seeing him getting inside the car thinking " why is he sitting behind me when the other side is closer to him?" Then I answered my own question, because there more leg room behind my chair. And I remember turning back and saw him wearing the same plaid shirt that he wore last time we went out. And I thought, he should put his seatbelt on just in case. But I never spoke out loud because I knew he would say, "I don't need to put on a seatbelt." So I never spoke my mind and I wish that I did. Because it would've changed everything.
GOD I'm so bitter and scared. Bitter that this brace is ruining my summer, my 22nd birthday, and all the other adventures I could've had. Scared that things will never be the same and I would have to get operated on and I can NEVER do the things I use to do. The things I once loved, the things I would've loved.

"Some things are out of your control, it's your choice to make it a tragedy or a party"
There is only one way to look at this, and that is to make the best out of it.
Head held high with a big fat smile, use this brace to my advantage.

Grace Brace <3

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Libra kind of Tuesday ~


Oh the lessons you have endured over the course of 2010. You're not the same people-pleasing darling you were a mere 12 months ago. On the contrary darling -- you are in the midst of a powerful process of cultivating the kind of backbone that makes greatness. Thanks to big daddy Saturn you're learning your lessons well in relinquishing laziness, strengthening discipline, and realizing your authority. You're taking yourself more seriously in the arenas where it matters most. (Read: career and getting paid what you're worth.)

Relationships bring plenty of passion, drama and unexpected plot twists especially during the spring. By the time May rolls around you'll be dealing with an unprecedented amount of planetary energy firing up your relationship sector. With six planets including Venus, your ruler and Jupiter, the planet of abundance lining up in your partnership sector you'll be anything but lonely. The challenge lies in staying true to your own needs without getting lost in the persuasive me-me-me demands of your significant others.

Although some of Saturn's lessons will weigh in on a heavier note and perhaps depriving you of any former easy-outs or shortcuts, you have the uncanny ability to take it all in stride. There's something to be said for the inherent Libran laid-back approach to life's challenges. But under current planetary duress you may join the ranks of the stressful millions in your quest for regaining inner peace and unshakable equilibrium. Forever striving for that elusive balance, you're being put through the cosmic ringer when it comes to finding and holding your own with others. But you will get there Libra -- just you wait and see!


Co-dependency be damned, Libra! You've had your fill of accommodating every wish, desire and need of your mate to your own detriment. You're also finished with sugarcoating the truth and resorting to passive-aggressive tactics to get your needs met. For a sign that prefers balance, such extreme give and no take throws your scales way off kilter. The imbalance can no longer be ignored or justified. The rules of the game have changed and you've learned to just say no. Saturn has been working hard on rebalancing the karmic scales and forcing you to draw some serious lines in order to regain important equilibrium in your partnerships. Relationships continue to be a major priority this year Libra, but topping this list is the relationship you have with number one. Falling in love with yourself and being true to your needs is no longer a luxury but a dire necessity.

You've survived enough painful romantic disillusionments to last you a lifetime during Neptune's spell in your romantic sector over the past fourteen years. Of course falling in love certainly has it's high points but the crash after the reality check gets to be too much after enough heart-break repeats. The good news is that Neptune leaves your romantic sector for good allowing you to once again trust your perceptions when choosing your match. Love is especially in the air when Venus enters Libra in late September and early October, just in time to guarantee a wonderfully amorous birthday season.


You're still revamping your true vocational calling by cutting out all of the extraneous little side-jobs that once ate up so much of your precious time. The final days of the North Node in your career sector at the start of 2011 give you one last prodding to determine your own true north. No longer can you beg the question. Fence sitting in all aspects of your life is quickly becoming an extinct option, especially when it comes to your work. By nature you're indecisive but 2011 is the year for commitment. Put your doubts aside and just get on with what you do best: bringing more beauty and harmony to everything you touch. At the end of the day, you're an artist -- and that's that.

Although you may still be saddled with your fair share of responsibilities, you're finally able to see the forest through the trees and get a grip on the bigger career picture. You prefer any work that involves socializing, utilizing your creative and intellectual talents and of course flirting your heart out. This is why sitting behind an isolated desk doing menial tasks will just never rock your world. You're finally coming to terms with saying no to anything you consider a giant waste of your time, and you can thank Saturn for that. Adding to the planetary support to align work with soul, Neptune, the planet of glamour and dreams enters your work sector this April through August. It shall then again return in 2012 to stay for an extended 14-year ride, making sure that you absolutely adore what you do. This is a wonderful opportunity to find meaning and inspiration in your work.

whoaa.. creepy =.=

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Do you ever

get that feeling that something just isn't right?
something is out of place?
I just have that lingering feeling for some reason...and I don't know why?

On the other note,
After listening to my girlfriends talking about their men and what they've been going through really opens up my eyes.

They spent so much time and energy on this one guy and yet they do not get in return of what they deserve.
In the end, we ask ourselves was it worth it? Every tear, heartache, argument, fight was it worth it?
They might not be on the same page and they might not give as much as we give them.
We wear our hearts on our sleeves and yet they take us for granted.
But we learn and that's the best thing we can ever wish for. Is to learn from each relationship, not about love but more about yourself.
And it teaches you to be smarter, better, wiser on the next relationship.
At the same time, don't ever give up anything for someone else. That's the biggest mistake you can ever make.
There is a way to show your complete love to him and still be true and fair to yourself.

To not fall complete head over heels and still show him your whole heart.
And when we find that way, that is true balance of life.

On the other hand, there are people out there who knows RIGHT away that "he's the one" at first sight.
Both people begin their relationship on the same page of being forever with the other person and they conquer the tears, the fights with that mindset.
Unfortunately, not everyone is this lucky to just KNOW right away. Some of us have to go through it all to realize "he's not the one"

I don't think I'm those Lucky ones. Maybe at one point in time I was, but as I grow each day, the more realistic I become.
Looking at what others have become frightens me.
Marriages get called off. Couples break up after years and years of dedication. The heartbreaks can be mended but Time cannot rewind
Time is precious, and time is never coming back. The only thing I do not have right now is Time.
And yet God is slowly taking away my time as I realize how much I want to conquer in the next few years.
So I say, I must find myself, find what I want in life and live every moment of it.

Do whatever makes me happy


Friday, August 5, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

So God, tell me what is your reason for all of this?
What is it that you want me to learn?
Help me understand.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Travel (Must invest in a DSLR before I start traveling and scrap/ capture every moment)
  • Cruise
  • Antartica
  • Europe
  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Sapphire ring/ earrings/ necklace
  • DSLR

Broadway show- Wicked

Sports event - Football, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Ice Skating

Yoga & Pilates

Pole Dance

Event Coordinating - Wedding/ Fashion show

Produce/ Record a song

Paint a picture/ painting for my room

Get a tattoo of something meaningful on my body

Photoshoot with friends

Stargazing - buy a telescope first

Sew/ Knit an outfit for Tochi

Make an outfit for myself

Thrift shopping


Attend concerts

Rooftop Patio party



Climb a mountain

Attend Comedy show

Attend burlesque show

Be a playboy bunny for a day

Ballroom dance & Contemporary dance

Visit a renaissance fair

Witness a lunar and solar eclipse

Join a Luau

Complete a Race for the Cure

Learn to sail

Swim with Dolphins, Dolphin watch, Scuba Diving etc

Jet Ski by myself


Learn to play volleyball, football etc

Horseback riding on the beach

Go snowmobile

Be vegetarian for a month

Help & Shelter homeless animals & volunteer whenever I can

Learn to figure skate

Improve my singing & rap & beatbox

Be healthy and get toned- eat very well

Learn to dive

Shooting range


Boxing in a ring

Learn Latin & improve my French

Learn to play the piano and guitar


Ride in a hot air balloon


Helicopter ride

Drive a Helicopter/ Plan

Drive a car on the beach/ dirt biking

Race on a racetrack

Learn to drive a motorcycle

Learn to drive manual well

Ride a mechanical bull

Go rock climbing

Ride a camel

Whale watching

Hop with Kangeroo

Milk a cow

Ride an elephant

Watch an animal being born

Collect eggs from a nest

Visit and admire famous paintings

Perform on the street

Attend Mardi Gras

Learn magic tricks

Learn pottery, glassware

Take gourmet cooking class

Solve Rubix cube

Decorate my house with things I've made

Learn different types of wine

Learn different types of cheese

Write a book on my life

Makeup lessons

Get a pixie cut

Dye my hair

Perm my hair

Visit a castle

Design my house/ wedding dress/ ring

Create a youtube video

Be on TV

Cirque Du Soleil

Go to a Nascar event


Eat in an undersea restaurant

Charoling during Christmas

Skinny Dipping

Meet someone famous

Visit Longwoord Garden in PA

Plant flowers in the yard

Visit Butterfly garden

Finish Iron Girl

** Live life to the fullest with no regrets. Love with no boundaries. Laugh without tears.**

I just realized how valuable time is
Never waste a moment
Cherish every second
Fulfill your dreams
Live Happy

Monday, August 1, 2011


a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined.
A bittersweet feeling as this week approaches near. 
Three months ago, I have been waiting for this day to come.
As the day is almost here, my body is filled with fear, anxiety and sadness. 
Scared of the unknown because I don't know what is going to happen. 
Anxious to find out the final verdict
For some reason, I have a bad feeling and is preparing myself for the worst. 
I thought I would know for sure by this week that everythings all healed up and I'm good as before.
But for some reason, I don't feel that way.
I don't feel a-okay
I don't feel all healed up
I don't feel like before
The thought of not being able to do the things I once loved to do scares me.
tell me "everythings gonna be alright"
Wish for the best<3