Tuesday, September 6, 2011

All you have to do is ask

You don't have to go snoop around, or try to find things to read about.
If you really want to know how I feel or what I'm thinking,
all you have to do is ask.
It's as simple as that.
Ask if I'm upset, ask if I'm sad, ask if I'm annoyed
Half of the time you should know how I feel by the way I act.

But instead, you have to go through my personal things.
I feel violated, played, intruded.
These things are my feelings that I keep to myself, thoughts I talk to my friend about.
I feel that someone just raped my room apart.
It's not that I have things to hide, nor I was being sketchy behind your back.
It's that I want to keep certain things to myself, to be called MINE.

You don't share all your thoughts or feelings with me.
I have to prey out of you half of the time.
If you can't be open with me, then how do you expect me to do the same?
You went through my personal belongings and yet you turn around and say that you're disappointed in me?

I don't see the logic in that.
I don't want to fight, I don't want to argue. Especially not on this day or tomorrow.
I just want things to go back to before
No snooping, no doubting but trust each other.
If you feel insecure or don't trust me, just have to let me know.

I have insecurities too. I have doubts as well.
If you don't trust me or are feeling insecure, just let me know.
I NEED you to reassure me at times too, tell me that you love me and mean it.
Tell me that you miss me and want to hold me.
Tell me that I'm forever yours even though it might not be true.
These are the things that girls want to hear, and I as a girl want to hear that too.
Otherwise, I analyze. I over think. I doubt and I get scared.
I get insecure about the future....

I don't want to get hurt, I don't want to put myself in that position.
I don't want to fall hard and get my heart broken.
If you want to protect yourself, I want to do the same.

I'm tired.
Tired of the one that has to do the spilling,
tired of the one expressing all my feelings so you can read me inside and out
tired of trying to figure out what's going through your mind
tired of waiting and hoping for the best
tired of looking at everything with half full glass perspective

For once, I just want to know what is EXACTLY going through your mind and what you are thinking at this exact moment.
What you want out of this and where we are going.
If we're not on the same page, then better now than later

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