Tuesday, September 13, 2011

so much to do in so little time

It's been a while my dearest blog!
Life has been very busy and eventful.
Sometimes, I realize that I'm so consumed by the things around me that I never give myself any time.
I tire my self out with work, family and friends that there seem to be so little time for myself.
My brain is constantly processing and working and overthinking.
I wish there could be a time where I do not think about anything, nothing at all
but just to sit on the beach and relax, with no worries.
Or sleep my days away and rejuvnate my body & mind.

Travel, that's something that I ALWAYS want to do.
To just take a month trip across the world and go to places that I've never been before, eat new exotic food and meet strangers.
That is the next thing on my list, the moment I have the opportunity to travel around the world, I MUST.

I also want to work in different places, it was always a goal of mine.
But Maryland has always hold me back, whether if it was my parents or my friends.
But if I dont take the opportunity to explore and do it now, then I may NEVER have that opportunity in the future.

Home will always be here waiting for me.

Next trip: ASIA - SHANGHAI && HK
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