Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Date

Through all my relationships, the date was "the day" that we were together, as bf/ gf.
It was the day that makes everything official and it was so important to me. That was The Date, anniversary to celebrate how long we've been together as a couple.
Today, marks The Date of a new relationship. But somehow, this feels different because we were already together way before this.

It was definitely a new approach for me, to date each other and get to know each other better before actually settle into a relationship. It actually made sense- to not bind into and commit to a relationship before knowing what the other person is like.
Even though in the bad of my head, I repeatedly told myself that if everything will fall into place on its own.
However, the date still mattered to me at the time. Somehow, it embarked the beginning of our relationship - even though we were already together, doing thing what couples did, acted like a couple everywhere we go.
I wanted The Day to be the perfect day- everything go the way it planned.
But I realized that life isn't always about whats planned, and it will never go the way it was planned.
He asked, on 09.10.11 but I wanted to wait for my desired date of 11.11.11 (Don't ask me why).
Then today, I was given his PW and I thought what a great opportunity, and different this would be. Since I never gave him a direct answer(which was on a ferris wheel too~) then I should act this time. And so I did.

After it was "official", I don't feel any different. That is because nothings has changed and nothing will change. The only difference will be how we call each other -if that even changes.
And that it is public for everyone to know that we are together. But that is not important because deep inside, I already know we are together as a couple and I was already in a relationship whether it was official or not.

Being that said, this day is not any different than any other day I spent with you. Because everyday with you is a special day to me- as long as I'm yours. Your Friend Friend, Booboolu, LuBi, Grace Face - your baby.

Nothings going to be different, nothings going to change.
It will only get better from this point on.

P.S. disregard todays date. It will still be 11.11.11, I just used a Time Machine fast forward in the future.
That's how impatient I am <3 I'm giving you my heart so cherish it, nourish it, never break it.



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