Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Now accepting applications for a Companion

According to the dictionary, the definition of companion is the following:
a. A person who accompanies or associates with another; a comrade.
b. A domestic partner.
c. One of a pair or set of things; a mate
 Honestly, no one is going to apply nor should anyone apply. If you look at the words closely, it is different from looking for a boyfriend or a significant other. It is rather one of a pair, a left shoe as a matter of a fact (because I'm always right). Now you can't leave the house with just one shoe can you? And if you substitute it with a different shoe, yes it's feasible but it still won't be the factory made perfect pair.

With recent dialogues, it made me realize that having someone to be called your companion is far more significantly important than calling someone you're boyfriend (and vice versa). A lot of thinking about how do you know he(she) is the one? The person that you're destined to be with? What are the signs? And when will I know? The Answer to all this is you don't and you won't. If only life was that easy and everything was simply laid out for us in black and white, if only.

But when that companion of yours does arrive your life, I think you'll know because he(she) should just fit into your life. Just like how the glass slipper only fit Cinderellas feet. There is only one companion for you. When you feel that you guys are on the same page, at the same point in life, be able to finish each others sentence, know what the other persons doing and most of all, being able to call them your best friend. Then that is your companion for life.

So going back to the shoe analogy, when you find your other mate, it will be the perfect pair like Rubys red slippers or Cinderellas glass shoes. Or in my case, Christian Louboutins black pumps  <3


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