Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mazda Miata

So I was told the other day that I resemble a Miata.
If you could be compared to a car (interior, exterior, price, maintenance) what car do you think you will be?
I personally think I'm a VW Jetta. But a Miata works too :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fashion Friday: Bold Lips

First post of my Fashion Friday blogs.
Today, I want to focus on bold lips.
Couple seasons ago, the trend was red lips. I have always been in love having red lips with an outfit. Because the color is so bright and bold, the rest of the outfit have to be toned down. The makeup have to be subtle because you want the attention to focus on the lips. So I normally pair my red lips with a black outfit or a white outfit. If you want the color red to pop out more in your outfit, you can easily pair it with some red pumps. That will definitely draw eyes to you on a night out!

Now recently, I've invested in an orange lipstick. And I have to say that I am absolutely in love with it! It is a lot more daring and different than the red lipstick but you can definitely do more with the rest of the outfit. This summer, orange lips have been very popular. I would pair my orange lipstick with pastel colors. That way, the outfit won't draw the attention away from your lips and at the same time, adding the summer feel to your whole look.

I realized that not everyone can pull off these bold lip colors and if paired wrong, the whole look can go south! So if you're feel adventurous, definitely feel free to try it out and remember to go less on the eye makeup.

love her bob!
One of my favorite celebrities. Lauren Conrad. Her website is amazing with great tips and her collection is very California chic!

Bon Appetite!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Be Strong.

I would consider myself a strong girl, mentally and physically. I can say that I've been in many situations where others would not make it through. But lately I've been feeling weak and helpless both mentally and physically. I feel mentally drained not from work but from life. Why can't everything just be straight forward and direct? Instead of all the twisted words and crooked logic. Everything that's happened in the past couple of months has gotten to me. Or maybe I'm just tired of always having to be strong and consume everything inside of me. Tired of having to be the iron girl. Just because on the surface I act like I can tolerate it all, doesn't always mean that I can handle it all. Just because I stay strong, doesn't give you a reason to hurt me. Usually I'm the bigger person, letting insignificant things go, but there is a limit on how much a person can take. I don't deserve some of the things that has happened, but I blame no one but myself. I'm responsible for myself and my actions, but I am still standing here comfortably in my own skin.

But lately unanswered questions have been wondering through my head.
Why do good things have to end? Why can't things just be simple and clear?
Why did all these happen to me? What did I ever do wrong? 
Something that I was once so sure of, is becoming more doubtful than before.
I don't think anyone realizes how hard it has been for me. There are things that I cannot tell but to think about it through the endless nights.
I grew up doing everything myself. If I want something, I get it myself. If I want to pursue something, I will get there on my own. I don't want to feel helpless, and have other people do things for me. And I hate when people pity me. I don't need you to feel sorry for me but to feel happy that I will make it through all by myself. 

I've been holding this in for way too long. Even iron man malfunctions and breaks down.

Action speak louder than words. Do what you say, say what you do. But I guess you can have too much expectation because you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. 
I'm disappointed in myself for letting myself get here. I know better.

The hardest part is not to be strong, but to admit that you are weak and to your flaws.  I have many flaws but they make me who I am today. And I'm proud of   e v e r y    f   l  a  w    o   f      m  i   n   e

perfectly imperfect,

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happily Ever After

"When you find somebody you love, all the way through, and she loves you --even with your weaknesses, your flaws, everything starts to click into place. And if you can talk to her, and she listens, if she makes you laugh, and makes you think, makes you want, makes you see who you really are, and who you are is better, just better with her, you'd be crazy not to want to spend the rest of your life with her." -Nora Roberts

All the wedding-ness has definitely got to me! Just finished 3 out of the 4 books of the Bride Quartet series by Nora Roberts. I have to say the plot and language of the books are all very similar. I could pretty much predict the second and third book after reading the first one. However, each book has a different protagonist and a different kind of love story. The general plot is[SPOILER ALERT]they meet, hook up, be in a "situation" not really defining the relationship but at the same time sleep with each other. Then they have a moment and realize that they truly love the other person and cannot live without them, gets engaged in the span of couple months and plan their wedding. But when you think about it, the chances of a romance happening like that is probably 1 out of 100. And the success rate of the marriage is probably even less. But maybe..just maybe that there is one lucky couple that lives happily ever after.

Weddings and Marriage is such a happy thing. Two people fall in love and they want to spend the rest of their life with each other. But it is also scary. For the rest of your life, you are going to be with this person, everyday to love them, care for them, be there for them. Ever girl growing up imagined how their wedding would be, because its the day where they get to have everything their way. That was how we thought when we were younger. That was how I use to think. I planned every detail of my wedding, " I want this and that""I want dolphins and have it at the beach". But now putting myself in those shoes, its scary to imagine walking down the aisle and give the rest of your life to that one person. Who knows what would happen after this day. There's a possibility of divorce, or a very unhappy marriage. To those who are getting married, I give you props to be able to make that commitment and know that he/ she is the person you want to be with for the rest of your life and having the courage to go where your heart tells you. I envy those that has truly find their soul mates and has taken that leap of faith. To geniuely love someone with all your heart and not taken each other for granted, and to give them everything that you have and more. For them to believe that happily ever after does exist.

Love unconditionally,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Now accepting applications for a Companion

According to the dictionary, the definition of companion is the following:
a. A person who accompanies or associates with another; a comrade.
b. A domestic partner.
c. One of a pair or set of things; a mate
 Honestly, no one is going to apply nor should anyone apply. If you look at the words closely, it is different from looking for a boyfriend or a significant other. It is rather one of a pair, a left shoe as a matter of a fact (because I'm always right). Now you can't leave the house with just one shoe can you? And if you substitute it with a different shoe, yes it's feasible but it still won't be the factory made perfect pair.

With recent dialogues, it made me realize that having someone to be called your companion is far more significantly important than calling someone you're boyfriend (and vice versa). A lot of thinking about how do you know he(she) is the one? The person that you're destined to be with? What are the signs? And when will I know? The Answer to all this is you don't and you won't. If only life was that easy and everything was simply laid out for us in black and white, if only.

But when that companion of yours does arrive your life, I think you'll know because he(she) should just fit into your life. Just like how the glass slipper only fit Cinderellas feet. There is only one companion for you. When you feel that you guys are on the same page, at the same point in life, be able to finish each others sentence, know what the other persons doing and most of all, being able to call them your best friend. Then that is your companion for life.

So going back to the shoe analogy, when you find your other mate, it will be the perfect pair like Rubys red slippers or Cinderellas glass shoes. Or in my case, Christian Louboutins black pumps  <3
