Monday, November 21, 2011

You & I

You pick your battles and I pick mine. But this has become a battle for you & I.
There's no such thing as yours & mine, or a line of clear distinction.
Whats yours, is mine.
When you're down, I want to cheer you up.
When you're sick, I want to heal your pain
When you're lonely, my presence should cheer you up
When you're mad, I let you take it out on me

But when you're being taken advantage of, I will take care of it
It hurts to hear you say, stay out of my business.
But your business has become my business.
your issues are my issues
I just thought we were closer than that.

But I promised and I will keep that promise

but just remember,
when your world come crashing down, I will catch you with my open brace (cold joke there).

What they say is true- "when you find the right one, nothing else in the world matters as long as I'm with you"
And I hope you feel the same too.

You got me & my heart and that's all you need.

afterall,  I am the one and only Grace Zhang


You are on your own.
You made the distinction and I will grant your wish.
You handle your own crap and I will handle mine.
You pushed me to this point.
there is no you & I, not before, not now because you made that choice
you made your move, and it's my turn to make mine.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So many things I want to experience.
But all has to wait.
Wait until this is all over. Wait until I can be normal with my daily routines again.
Wait for the release that I have been patiently waiting for in the last 6 months.
They say patience is a virtue, but don't you think I waited long enough?
There is a limit to how much a person can wait for.
My patience is running out.
I want to move on with my life.
I want to do things that I've been wanting to do
I want to be active again, to workout, to experience different activities
But I cannot do any of those.
And I don't know how much longer I can take before I break down

that date will determine it all.
whether it'll make my day or ruin the remaining months of 2011
so I wish and pray
please let everything be okay.

yours truly,

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cliq of eccentric human beings

There's always that group of friends that you turn to, that close group of people
that you knows you the best and will be there for you.
Then there are some people who have tons of friends and try to be outgoing/ fake,
but yet they can't depend on any of them when they are really in need.

My question is, how do you determine who these real friends are?
Because you've known them for a long time? Or because you have a lot in common?
Or is it that you talk to them almost everyday and knows everything about them?

For me, its a mesh of both.
These are the people that I've gotten close to over the course of my college years.
Yes we've had our ups and down- bitching and yelling at each other. Dishing out each others dirt
and talk shiet about each other. Or completely opposite like I am with my bff- no arguments or fights ever.
But at the same time, these are the people that were there for me when I was sad and depressed.
When I didn't want to get out of bed because of a break up
That looked out for me and told me that "hes not for you" and " you could do so much better"
Those that consulted me when I was dorothy trying to follow the yellow brick path.
They gave me advice on relationships, family and school and everything in between.

Even when they do something bad, something that hurts you. Yet at the end of the day,
you can still look past it all and hope to think the best out of it.
That they were just looking out for you and meant no harm.

No matter what happens, I do know that these people will be in my life for a really long time,
these are the people that will walk with me through it all.
We've grown so much together and know so much of each other.
You know they are your close friends when you can be completely yourself with them- and I mean talk about EVERYTHING- (doing the dirty deed, criticizing about yourself, and the list goes on and on).

What got me started thinking about all this?
Weddings- of course. (wedding planner that is)
And made me think, who will be my bridesmaids?

Although we've all had the worst fallout of the year- but its moments like that
that brings everyone closer
even when you dont talk to that person for a really long time but when you do start talking, you pick up just where you left off

So I'm pretty fortunate to say that I'm lucky
and then there are some who aren't.
All I do is smile and keep my unpleasant comments to myself.

C'est Fini