Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Birthday Recap- Deuces

I realized that I did not recap about my birthday!

Saturday went REALLY well. It is true that planning ahead have a much better outcome than procrastination.

I had a lot of fun- drama free amazingly fun with old and new friends.
I have a great friends and I love them all- even though I may not be able to call them all close, they're still good friends that I try to keep in touch with every here and now.

Times like this makes you realize who are your closest friends and who will always be there for you.
I have to admit- Tony's friends are very "man to their words" I would say. They don't flake ( most of time) and they show up. Probably because of the close bound that all of them have growing up.

Both of my best friends couldn't make the party- I understand their situations but I wish they did.
It would be nice to see all my friends at one place all together. But things come up and we're all adults now with different priorities.

Life's a lot busier than before and it will continue to get busier.
But I will try my best to balance work, family, love and friends.


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