Wednesday, September 12, 2012

why can't you be the bigger person? why did you start a fight over insignificant stuff?
These are the questions that I am asking myself.
One of the flaws you have is that you have to have things YOUR way. The way you like it.
And you're like a ticking bomb. Once you get upset, you stay upset for days.
Why let something so small ruin your day or even week? Is it worth it?
You need to learn to let go, forgive and amend.
Stop being a stubborn child. Stop being a kid.
Stop playing with words and try to find arguments in them.
You have common sense and you know what I mean
but yet you will try to find the flaw in my words to win the argument.
Stop being a prick.

This is something that you need to change about yourself.
I've been patient, but I don't know how much longer I can deal with this.

end of my thought.

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