Thursday, September 20, 2012


I'm sorry, sincerely sorry for the pain that I have caused you with my words.
The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt you.
I did not mean the way it came out- and yes I know I have a problem with bluntly speaking my mind before filtering through my thoughts.
I know it probably means absolutely nothing by apologizing now, but I still want you know that I'm sorry.
Sorry for changing the way we are
Sorry for bringing this gap between us
Sorry for being heartless and hurting you like that
Sorry for being inconsiderate
and lastly, sorry for the doubt I created that you have about us.

I don't ever want you to doubt me, doubt us, doubt our future.
And hearing you say those words scares me. It shocks me and hurts to know that you no longer believe in us, and that we can make it to the end- together.
I don't know how much I can do right now to change your mind, to put the happy us back in your back. And lastly, to earn your trust and faith in us again.

But you can take my word that I will do my best to change, and I will act up on it. To change my "dragonesque" ways, to learn to respect others and handle you with care.
I will not treat you like my punching bag.

Sometimes, when you realize that you are going to ( or have lost) someone that you truly care about and love, that moment changes your perception. And that moment when you were going to walk out my life, I was terrified and couldn't imagine a life without you.

I've never ever thought about changing myself for anyone else, and have never felt this threatened in my life, whereas I feel that my life would end without you.

Take my plea, take my words that I will change my flaws to be a better person for you and for myself.
I don't expect you to completely forgive me yet, I will earn your faith in me and I know I can.
Because I love you so much that I can't lose you. And I won't let that happen.
We are meant to be together, forever :)


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

why can't you be the bigger person? why did you start a fight over insignificant stuff?
These are the questions that I am asking myself.
One of the flaws you have is that you have to have things YOUR way. The way you like it.
And you're like a ticking bomb. Once you get upset, you stay upset for days.
Why let something so small ruin your day or even week? Is it worth it?
You need to learn to let go, forgive and amend.
Stop being a stubborn child. Stop being a kid.
Stop playing with words and try to find arguments in them.
You have common sense and you know what I mean
but yet you will try to find the flaw in my words to win the argument.
Stop being a prick.

This is something that you need to change about yourself.
I've been patient, but I don't know how much longer I can deal with this.

end of my thought.