Monday, May 16, 2011

have you ever..

Have you ever had something bother you when you DON'T want it to? It's like you don't want it to get to you but it JUST DOES for some reason. Apparently, that's normal ( for girls). And it's out of our reach (just fabulous). I had something insignificant annoy/ irritate/ piss me off the other day (well more like yesterday) and it started a train of ranting/ cursing/ over analyzing. After talking to my girls, it made me feel better. But it still bothered me and I wondered why. WHY is something bothering me when I know it shouldn't? Why can't I control what I FEEL? It's not the others fault and I shouldn't blame others.

Then I realize its me. ME. I'm the PROBLEM. I'm the one that I should be pissed off at and I'm the one that I need to bitch. (point of self realization occurs). They're not the enemy, I AM. I shouldn't get mad at other people because they can do whatever they please. BUT I can control how I feel and decide what to feel. I am my own enemy and that is my weakness. I need to work on myself and learn how to CONTROL my feelings. If I let every little petty thing get to me, then I have too much time on my hands don't you agree? There are bigger and better things for me to worry about than dwelling on something that's insignificant and unimportant in my life. Be the bigger person, take the higher road. Let it go~

"You are your own greatest enemy"

- 璐

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers day to all who is, was, and will be a mom

Happy Mothers Day!

These past couple of days made me realize how much I still need my mom and rely on her. Yes, I am an adult and I can pretty much live on my own. But there are certain times in our lives that we'll always be a vulnerable child and need the assistance of our moms. If it weren't for my mom for the past week, I would not be able to get out of bed every morning nor would I be able to feed myself. For that, I toast (my milk) to my mom.

We always goes through a phase in our lives where we want to fly on our own and away from our parents. But if you think about it, THIS is the only time in our lives where we'll ever get to live and be with our parents. This is the last bit of time that we can truly spend time with our parents and appreciate their bickering, ranting and yelling. Everything they do and say are to protect us from harm. In their eyes, we'll always be their "baby" and no matter how old we get, how far we move, or how much we talk back. They'll always love us unconditionally. I cannot be any more grateful than I am for having my mom beside me through the tears, the happiness and the pain. There are people out there that can no longer experience the motherly love and they must be so envious of us. For that, I will never take my mother for granted, nor will I take the moments we share together for granted.

I'm sure my mom has heard me say "I love you" and "you're the best" numerous times in the past week. I always thought I can finally fly on my own, but I guess no matter how ready I am, I will always be a baby in my mother's eyes.

I love you Mommy and I couldn't ask for more. You truly are the best and I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you over the past 21 years. And I do not know how you put up with me (but I guess you didn't have a choice =P ). 
My Mommy <3
