Wednesday, March 28, 2012


My mom has always told me,
others will be jealous of you. And now I see why.
I have the best of friends, the perfect rounded family and a loving boyfriend.
I have all the happiness in the world (and more)
There will always be room for improvement but I must be patient.
Patient to believe that God has a great plan for me to make a difference in this world.


Monday, March 19, 2012

One door closes

and they say another door opens.

Well let's hope today's the day for that gate to open for me- for a new realm.

I feel that this is my calling, my push to move forward and to challenge my self.
To better my experiences and myself.

now here's my calling

Dear God,

I REALLY want this- so look out for me and I will make it happen


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

There's no such thing as a mistake

Because the mistakes made who we are today.

favorite quote " you know a girl's happy when she is not updating her blog :)" 

haha everythings back to where it should be
just simply perfect in our own special way<3